Welcome to parking with Parkable!
NZ’s original park sharing app
Proudly NZ owned. Parkable facilitates sharing, making more resources available to communities and putting money back into local pockets.
Below are a few simple 'How tos' so that you can make the most out of parking with Parkable
For Parkable app queries please email admin@parkable.com
Using the Parkable admin panel
Watch the full demo video to get started, or find instructions for a specific action!
Proudly NZ owned. Parkable facilitates sharing, making more resources available to communities and putting money back into local pockets.
NZ’s original park sharing app
1. Open the Parkable app & tap on the pink pin
2. When you arrive, tap 'Start parking'
3. Tap 'Stop parking' to end your session
Start parking now
Report a problem
1. Open the Parkable app
2. Tap ‘You have an active session’
3. Then ‘I have a problem’ and follow the prompts!
Another vehicle parked in your reserved bay?
The problem will be reported to admin, and the person parking in your bay will be asked to move their vehicle. If another parking bay is available, the app will give you a new bay number.
End your parking session
1. Open the app and tap the message at the top of the screen that says 'You have an active session'
2. Tap the red 'Stop parking' button, then 'End session'
3. All done! Check your email inbox for a parking receipt
Reserve a park for 30 minutes
1. Open the Parkable app and tap on the pink pin
2. Tap 'Reserve bay'. A pop-up will ask you to confirm by tapping 'Reserve bay' once more
3. Remember to tap 'Start parking' once you arrive at the car park!
Commute with confidence by reserving a park for up to 30 minutes - at no extra cost.
Request a park for tomorrow
1. Open the Parkable app and tap on the pink pin
2. Tap ‘Park tomorrow’ & 'Confirm'
3. The next morning, the app will let you know whether a bay is available!
4. If a park is available, you'll be assigned a bay number just prior to the car park opening time.
To invite new members and assign an allocated park at the same time...
1. Click the ‘Members’ tab at the top of the admin panel
2. Click the green ‘Invite members’ button in the top right corner
3. Submit the person’s work email address
4. In the ‘Assign a bay’ dropdown, select a car park or group
5. Select the bay number you want to allocate
6. Click the green ‘Invite now’ button!
To view occupancy data or the allocated park sharing leaderboard…
1. Click ‘Reports’ in the top navigation bar
2. Select ‘Occupancy’ in the vertical menu on the left
3. Change your date range to view the term that you want to check!
4. Hover over the graph to view an occupancy percentage and the number of sessions each day
5. To check how often people are sharing their allocated bay, click ‘Leaderboard’ in the vertical menu
6. You’ll see a list of members with an allocated bay, and how many times they’ve shared it with others
To invite new members to your organisation’s car park, simply:
1. Click the ‘Members’ tab at the top of the admin panel
2. Click the green ‘Invite members’ button in the top right corner
3. Submit the person’s work email address
4. Click the green ‘Invite now’ button!
To export an occupancy report, simply:
1. Click ‘Reports’ in the top navigation bar
2. Select ‘Occupancy’ in the vertical menu on the left
3. Change your date range to view the term that you want to check!
4. Right click on the white space next to the graph, click ‘Download page as PDF’, and hit ‘Download’ to confirm!
To create a group within your organisation, you…
1. Click into the car park
2. Click the grey ‘Add group’ button in the top right corner
3. Give the group a name, eg ‘Executives’
4. Select whether the bays are numbered or unnumbered, and decide who can access the group
5. Click ‘Create’ - done!
To rename a group, just:
1. Click into the car park
2. Click ‘View group’
3. Select the ‘Settings’ tab
4. Type in a new name, and click ‘Save changes’. Done!
To move a parking spot between groups, simply:
1. Click into the car park
2. Click on the bay you want to move, and drag it into your chosen group. Done!
If you want to add existing members to a group, you…
1. Click into the car park
2. Click ‘View group’ in the group you want to add someone to
3. Select the ‘Members’ tab within the group
4. Click the green ‘Add members’ button
5. Select the person who you want to add to the group and click ‘Add’!
To invite new members and add them to a group, you…
1. Click the ‘Members’ tab in the navigation bar
2. Click the green ‘Invite members’ button
3. Type in the person’s work email address
4. Click the dropdown arrow under ‘Assign groups’ to expand that section
5. Choose the group you would like to add them to
6. Click ‘Invite now’!
To assign an allocated park to an existing member, simply:
1. Click into the car park
2. Choose the group you want to use and click ‘View group’
3. Choose the bay that you would like to allocate; click on the three grey dots beside the bay, and click ‘Assign bay’
4. Select the member you would like to allocate the bay to
5. Hit ‘Create’!
To delete a parking bay...
1. Click into the car park
2. Click on the bay you would like to delete
3. Select the ‘Settings’ tab
4. Click the ‘Delete’ button and confirm!
If you want to suspend or unsuspend a parking spot, simply:
1. Click into the car park
2. Click on the bay you would like to suspend or unsuspend
3. Select the ‘Settings’ tab
4. Click on the dropdown menu and select either ‘Suspended’ or ‘Enabled’
5. Click ‘Save changes’!
If you want to remove a member from the organisation, you…
1. Click the ‘Members’ tab in the navigation bar
2. Select the member that you want to remove by clicking the three grey dots by their name, and clicking ‘Remove’
3. Click ‘Yes’ to confirm!
If you need to start a casual parking session for someone, simply:
1. Click into the car park
2. Choose the group you want to use and click ‘View group’
3. Choose which bay you want to begin a parking session in, and click the three grey dots next to the bay
4. Click ‘Start casual session in this bay’
5. Select the member you want to start a casual session for, and click ‘Create’ to confirm!
To view activity in the car park, simply:
1. Click into the car park
2. Check the ‘Key’ to the right of the screen, which tells you what each colour refers to
3. For more detailed information, click ‘View group’
4. This shows you the current activity and who each park is allocated to
Using the universal search bar…
1. You can search for a member by their name, email address, or licence plate
2. Simply click into the search bar and start typing!
If you need to share (or unshare!) someone’s allocated parking spot for them, simply…
1. Click into the car park
2. Choose the group you want to use and click ‘View group’
3. Click on the parking spot that you want to share
4. Select the ‘Settings’ tab
5. Choose which days to share the allocated bay, and click ‘Create’ to confirm!
6. To unshare an allocated park, follow these steps to find the allocated bay, then…
7. Choose the day you want to unshare, click the three grey dots, and click ‘Remove this day’. Done!
To remove someone’s car park allocation, simply:
1. Click into the car park
2. Choose the group you want to use and click ‘View group’
3. Click on the three grey dots next to the bay you want to unallocate, and select ‘End subscription’
4. Tick the box and push ‘Yes’ to confirm!
To check the car park for infringements…
1. Click into the car park
2. Click ‘Enforcement’ in the vertical menu on the left
3. You’ll see a list of all infringements, including who is infringing, who reported the infringement, and the licence plate of the infringing vehicle
To change your car park’s opening hours…
1. Click into the car park
2. Click ‘Settings’ in the vertical menu on the left
3. Select ‘Operation settings’
If you car park is set to ‘This car park is always open’, instead click ‘Custom’
4. Choose your new opening hours for each day by dragging the bar across, or by clicking into the ‘Opening time’ and ‘Closing time’ boxes
5. Click ‘Save changes’ to confirm!
New to Parkable? Watch the full 10 minute demo video here!
Alternatively, scroll down to find the 'how to' you need.
Navigate to the 'how to' you need!
If you want to add more parking bays to your car park, simply:
1. Click into your car park
2. Click the green ‘Add bays’ button in the top right corner
3. Add one bay (eg ‘A1’) or a range of bays (eg ‘A1-A16’) and click ‘Add bays’
4. Click ‘Confirm’. Done!
1. Add more parking bays to your car park
2. Invite people to your car park
3. Assign an allocated park to someone
4. Create a group in the car park
5. Rename a group
6. Move a parking spot between groups
7. Add a member to a group
8. Add a new member to a group
9. Assign an allocated parking spot to an existing member
10. Delete a parking spot from your car park
11. Suspend (and unsuspend!) a parking spot
12. Remove someone from your organisation’s car park
13. Begin a casual parking session for someone
14. Check the activity in your car park
15. Use the universal search bar
16. Share or unshare someone’s allocated park for them
17. Remove someone’s car park allocation
18. Check the car park for infringements
19. Adjust your car park’s opening hours
20. View occupancy data and the leaderboard
21. Export a report from the dashboard